Recommended Reading for the Bible Reader

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Monstrous Regiment of Women

The full title of this DVD is The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women taken from the book by reformer John Knox. Since I'm just beginning to learn how imbedded feminism is in our society, this movie really helped me understand what is really going on. To borrow the description from their website: "The Monstrous Regiment of Women, The Gunn Brother’s second documentary, goes all out to demolish the feminist worldview. From a consistently Christian perspective, they show how feminism has had a devastating impact on the church, state, and family. Starting with the infamous 16th century essay written by the reformer John Knox against the reigning female monarch, the Gunn Brothers find plenty of application to America’s political landscape; where feminists vie for every possible office including the presidency. Featuring an all star, all female cast, the Gunn Brothers prove that feminism has in fact restricted choices for all women, brought heartache to the lives of many, and perpetuated the largest holocaust since the beginning of time." Please be aware that this is not a movie for kids!

Read more about it, watch a preview, and buy it here


Monday, November 19, 2007

The Eden String Quartet

Another beautiful family movie from Franklin Springs is The Eden String Quartet: A Bountiful Blessing. This is an hour long documentary about the Miller family on a cattle ranch with four grown daughters who formed a stringed quartet. The back cover: "The beneficiaries of a multi-generational vision for God-honoring family, the Millers encourage, entertain, and inspire an appreciation of hymns and classical music, and for the building of families that honor the Lord." Couldn't have said it any better!

Purchase here
Their website here

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Return of the Daughters

The long-awaited documentary, The Return of Daughters:A vision of victory for the single women of the 21st century, came out this past month. The producers are the young ladies that wrote So Much More. "The Return of the Daughters, a one-hour documentary, will take viewers into the homes of young women who are rediscovering the biblical model for daughters, homes, and families and have been experiencing the blessings of God for their counter-cultural decisions...This film will show how the biblical model of family living--which includes working and playing together, demonstrating hospitality, serving the community, and more--is not just a fairy tale for a privileged few but is a roadmap for long-term happiness and a thriving culture." Not only is the main movie excellent, the bonus materials are just as helpful.

Watch the trailer here
Buy it here (with free shipping until Nov. 15)
Or buy it here

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Inherit the Land

Since I recommended one DVD on this site, it makes me want to share more! So for the month of November, I will be recommending one a week. This week I would like to introduce another Franklin Springs family DVD, Inherit the Land: Adventures on the Agrarian Journey. Even though we believe inheriting the land will occur in the age to come, this movie shows families taking advantage of the freedom to live agrarian lifestyles in this corrupt age. Through the little bit of gardening God has blessed me with, I see the Godly beauty in working with the land and with animals. Like this movie proves, families can grow closer to God and each other when seeking this lifestyle.

To be purchased here

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