Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Monstrous Regiment of Women

The full title of this DVD is The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women taken from the book by reformer John Knox. Since I'm just beginning to learn how imbedded feminism is in our society, this movie really helped me understand what is really going on. To borrow the description from their website: "The Monstrous Regiment of Women, The Gunn Brother’s second documentary, goes all out to demolish the feminist worldview. From a consistently Christian perspective, they show how feminism has had a devastating impact on the church, state, and family. Starting with the infamous 16th century essay written by the reformer John Knox against the reigning female monarch, the Gunn Brothers find plenty of application to America’s political landscape; where feminists vie for every possible office including the presidency. Featuring an all star, all female cast, the Gunn Brothers prove that feminism has in fact restricted choices for all women, brought heartache to the lives of many, and perpetuated the largest holocaust since the beginning of time." Please be aware that this is not a movie for kids!

Read more about it, watch a preview, and buy it here



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