Recommended Reading for the Bible Reader

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Journey Home

This is a book recommendation site, but what happens when I come across a remarkable and unforgetable DVD? A Journey Home filmed by Franklin Springs Family Media is about a family of eleven who live in Tennessee. The father, Tommy Waller, had a wonderful job in the city, the mom worked also, and they had five boys. Yet the father did not feel satisfied with his life and not being with his kids during the day. He took a drastic turn in his life by deciding to quit his job, move out to the country, and raise his kids by his side on a farm. Embracing this Godly lifestyle, the children's hearts were turned to their parents and the local community has felt the impact of their love. The family together felt called to serve Israel's farmers, and started HaYovel. This heartwarming and uplifting movie will make viewers examine their own lives and realize how important it is to serve as followers of Christ.

To read more about it and buy it, go here
More about HaYovel

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Her Candle Goeth Not Out

Her Candle Goeth Not Out: Words of Strength and Encouragement for our Precious Sisters in the Lord was compiled by a Sister in Virginia in 2002. In it's 62 pages, there are twenty-three articles written by Sisters for Sisters. The inside states: "The words set forth in this book were written by loving, dedicated Sisters whose desire is to provide strength and encouragement to their fellow-sisters as we await our Lord's return. Special thoughts are given to our younger Sisters in the Truth." I found the booklet helpful and very well-written. I recommend it for any Sister or young lady in the Truth.

This book is not sold online. Please e-mail cldodl @ juno . com (eliminate spaces) for order information. The book, I believe, sells for $5.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Swiss Family Robinson

Over the past year I have been reading old and new children's books to create a list of approved books for (if it is the Lord's will) my future children. The Swiss Family Robinson written by Johann David Wyss was first published in 1812. I grew up watching the movie and never had read the book until earlier this year. It is a delightful and adventurous story of a Swiss family who shipwrecked in the East Indies and must survive by themselves. What I loved about it was the dynamics of the family. Later I learned, it was written by a Swiss pastor who wanted to teach his sons about family values, good husbandry, and the uses of the natural world. No wonder I loved it! Few children's books today mention God or even have a stable family structure. Even though it is a little unrealistic (too Utopian), there are plenty of little lessons of life throughout it. This book would appeal to boys as well as girls. Would make an exciting nighttime read-aloud.

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Not Even a Hint

Not Even a Hint: Guarding your Heart against Lust by Joshua Harris has now been republished as Sex is not the Problem (Lust is): Sexual Purity in a Lust-Saturated World. If you want an open, honest clarification of the problem of lust in our lives, read this book. It is practical and easy to read. Nancy Leigh DeMoss says, "This book offers help and hope--not just for those who are dealing with sexual lust, but for anyone besieged by temptation of any kind." This is so true. The standards God has for us to overcome sin doesn't change with what type of lust or what type of temptation--we need to all have a plan to overcome our sins and shortcomings.

Buy the older version here
Buy the newer version here
Read the journal he made as he wrote


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Parables of the Messiah

Right now I am reading Parables of the Messiah by John Carter in the morning. His purpose for expounding on the eighty sayings and stories contained in the gospel was to help us more fully understand Christ and his message concerning the Kingdom of God. He includes a helpful Table of Contents with the references where a saying or parable is found. He does an adequate job of simply explaining each "parable" precisely. This book can be used for adult personal study, children's Sunday School, or a parent-child study.

Can be bought here

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